-Deathwish |
Here is the new Deathwish section. It is dedicated to my new game Deathwish! It will have screen shots soon but for now it is under heavy constrution.![]() Story LineIt is about three kids who one day find that there village is bieng invaded by monsters and the entire town's people are turning into zombies so they take the villages sacred crystal ball and warp into a differnt time zone!![]() ProgressJuly 25,I got Rpgmaker 95 July 26,I started my game and got a story line going. July 27,I am starting to get pretty far into my game. July 28,My Rpgmaker 95 screwed up my game and i had too start again from an older save, it was a major setback.....Also i am exploring tilesets but i do not know how to put them in. July 29,I did not do anything today as i am waiting for an E-mail. Aug 9,I decided to change the neme of my game to Deathwish instead of Bloody Knuckles......title page screen shot soon to come Aug 31,Well i have made custom tilesets for my game...geuss i am gonna restart now Sept 1,Doing preaty good......i gotta fix my tilesets a bit...... Sept 5, Made custom chara sets...restarting Sept 8,My game crashed oh well......, |